It now remains to give an account of those trees which are planted for the sake of others—the vine[1] more particularly—and the wood of which is cut from time to time. Holding the very first rank among these we find the willow, a tree that is always planted in a moist soil. The hole, however, should be two feet and a half in depth, and the slip a foot and a half only in length. Willow stakes are also used for the same purpose, and the stouter they are the better: the distance left between these last should be six feet. When they are three years old their growth is checked by cutting them down within a couple of feet from the ground, the object being to make them spread out, so that by the aid of their branches they may be cleared without the necessity of using a ladder; for the willow is the more productive the nearer its branches are to the ground. It is generally recommended to trench round the willow every year, in the month of April. Such is the mode of cultivation employed for the osier willow.[2]
The stake willow[3] is reproduced both from suckers and
cuttings, in a trench of the same dimensions. Stakes may be
cut from it at the end of about three years mostly. These
stakes are also used to supply the place of the trees as they
grow old, being fixed in the ground as layers, and cut away
from the trunk at the end of a year. A single jugerum of